Cleaning Removes Dirt, Not Germs
Standard Cleaning leaves behind 40-60% of illness and disease causing germs in your space.
Alcohol Sanitizers Have Problems
Toxic. Flammable. Exposes skin to infection by drying and cracking. After 30 seconds you're vulnerable all over again. Can we mention the smell?
Electrostatic Disinfection Completely Kills Germs
Presses a reset button on your space by safely and completely eliminating illness and disease causing germs
Residual Surface Protection
Your surfaces won't let germs survive after we visit. The treatment of your space will continue to fight the spread of illness and disease causing germs for 30 days non-stop
Residual Protection Sanitizer
bioPURE Shield Hand Sanitizer: Shown to protect for up to 24 hours after a single use. Safe around kids and pets. Water Based. Moisturizing. Foaming. Pleasant grape smell